A Horrormance Novel Mood Board
I haven’t posted here in a bit, mostly because I’ve been working on a horror/romance novel for a couple of months now, and it’s the most fun I’ve had writing anything in years – so you can see why I had to embrace it. It doesn’t happen that often. (Though I do have a new review coming… soon…)
Anyway, one of my favorite things about the romance genre is that it’s also very conducive to like… teen-girl-style crafting (and I say that in the most reverent way possible, teen girls are brilliant). I love when romance authors post mood boards about the books they’re writing, or tiktoks, or book playlists. I love it all. In that spirit, I made a little mood board for what I’m working on right now (above and below), so you can see some of the things floating around in my brain lately. Maybe it will intrigue you…
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