Books,  recommendations

Rock Star Romances & The Words by A. Jade

Rock star romances tend to feature one of my favorite (male) love interest types: angsty bad boys with anger problems, tragic backstories, big hearts and bigger dicks. Maybe it’s cliche and a little toxic, but a lot of my favorite romances are, honestly. I wouldn’t want to date any of these dudes in real life – that’s why it’s such a fantasy!

I recently read The Words by Ashley Jade – an enemies-to-lovers, second-chance romance with a very MGK-coded rock star, which, if you know me at all, ticks all my boxes. I immediately devoured the sequel, The Choice, and am now hungrily awaiting the next book in this connected series. Ashley Jade really knows how to write some mean bad boys with hearts of gold (buried way, deep down, beneath several layers of trauma and self-loathing).

A few of my other favorite rock star romances:

One Kiss with a Rock Star by Amber Lin and Shari Slade.

One Kiss with a Rock Star by Amber Lin and Shari Slade. Rock star meets (bisexual) pop star and the results are fire in this fake relationship romance.

The Comedown by A. Marie

The Comedown by A. Marie. Pop star (and single mom) Collette is hired to join – and keep in line – infamous rapper and bad-boy Julian while on tour in this enemies-to-lovers romance.

Muses & Melodies by Rebecca Yarros

Muses & Melodies by Rebecca Yarros. Zoe is hired to “babysit” Nixon Winters, a difficult rock star guitarist fresh out of rehab and still battling his demons while on tour.

If you’re looking for more romance novels recommendations, give Sexy Books Podcast a listen. Blythe and I delve into a bunch of different kinds of romances – including straight, gay, and trans novels – in a fun, nonjudgmental and sex-positive way.


Do you like rock star romances? What are your favorites? Tell me in the comments!

I'm Claire, a.k.a. L.A. Jayne, and I'm a poet, writer, and podcaster. My writing explores stigmatized issues at the junction of feminism, sexuality, health, and pop culture. I write about women’s sex and health, recovery from chronic gynecological problems (incl. vulvodynia and vaginismus), review sex toys, and co-host a sex-positive podcast about romance novels and sexuality.

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