Image of Zara Du Rose in lingerie lying on a bed.

Elust Issue 173: The Best of Sexy Blogging in May 2024

Cover image courtesy of Zara Du Rose. Elust is the only place where the smartest and hottest sex bloggers are featured under one roof every month. Whether you’re looking for sex journalism, erotic writing, relationship advice or kinky discussions, it’ll be here at Elust.

I’m thrilled and honored that my article, The Origin of Pain, is included in the latest issue of Elust. It’s one of the most deeply personal things I’ve ever written, about a lifetime of pain and dealing with the failures of the U.S. health care system when it comes to women’s care. I hope you’ll give it and all of these other great writers a read!


Erotic Fiction
  • Ramone Quides Eggs and Cream: A sensual little story about cuckolding.
  • For Your Heart Only The Shower: A sultry encounter in the gym locker room.
Thoughts & Advice on Kink & Fetish
  • Carrie Young The Joys of Erotic Humiliation: “If you are curious about erotic humiliation but don’t know where to start, or even what it is exactly, I’m going to try to explain.”
  • Jasmine Gold Turnabout is Fair Play: A long-form erotic story about a couple testing their limits.
  • Jerusalem Mortimer Bedroom Eyes 35: A very sexy short.
Sex Work
Product Reviews
Thoughts & Advice on Sex & Relationships
Body Talk and Sexual Health

LA Jayne The Origin of Pain: My essay on chronic pain and the broken U.S. health care system.

Girl on the Net Sensitivity Training: Sexual Feedback for Shy People: A primer on giving, or coaxing out, feedback during sex.

State of the World

Hannah McKnight Everybody Knows: “This day brought four different moments that ranged from affirming to being a confidant.” A great piece about “passing,” or not, from a trans author.

Erotic Non-Fiction

The Big Gay Review Sexy Thoughts #20: Reflection: Sexy thoughts you have about yourself are some of the best sexy thoughts.


What was your favorite article this month? Tell me in the comments!



I'm Claire, a.k.a. L.A. Jayne, and I'm a poet, writer, and podcaster. My writing explores stigmatized issues at the junction of feminism, sexuality, health, and pop culture. I write about women’s sex and health, recovery from chronic gynecological problems (incl. vulvodynia and vaginismus), review sex toys, and co-host a sex-positive podcast about romance novels and sexuality.

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