• The author's feet on a concrete pavement in front of a fence with daisies.

    Life Update: The Bitch is Back

    …the bitch being my cyst. Or me, I guess, if you count whiny little bitches. If you’ve been following the saga of my Bartholin cyst, whelp—it came back a few months ago. I…

  • Cover image courtesy of Eddy. Photography by Maurice Farrell.

    Elust Issue 176

    Cover image courtesy of Eddy. Photography by Maurice Farrell. Elust is the only place where the smartest and hottest sex bloggers are featured under one roof every month. Whether you’re looking for sex…

  • Yellow wall with flowers growing up alongside it.

    Bartholin Cyst Recovery Diary #3

    Well, folks, it finally happened. Almost exactly five months after my traumatic, painful, entirely shitty experience getting an infected Bartholin gland cyst lanced and drained in the emergency room… I finally had sex…

  • Cover image by Nyala Mali.

    Elust Issue 175

    Cover image courtesy of Nyala Mali. Elust is the only place where the smartest and hottest sex bloggers are featured under one roof every month. Whether you’re looking for sex journalism, erotic writing,…

  • Yellow wall with flowers growing up alongside it.

    Bartholin Cyst Recovery Diary #2

    I wanted to give a quick update, even though not a ton has technically changed. It’s been about four months (dang!) since my cyst became infected and I had to have it drained,…

  • Picture of a neon sign reading "#tweet tweet".

    Against the Discourse

    The world, and the internet, is in flux. While Twitter was once a subversive stronghold for opinions that are not often enough given the credence or the attention they deserve – minority opinions,…