My Favorite F***ing Movie: Tell Me Now About Entanglement
My mom died last October and ever since—and despite being a pretty skeptical agnostic most of my life—I haven’t been able to help imagining some sort of afterlife. The possibility of it. Coupled…
New Essay Series: My Favorite F***ing Movie
I’m very excited to announce a new essay series I’ll be releasing monthly all year long: My Favorite F***ing Movie is a personal exploration of sex through film, and Go (1999) is the…
Pride 2024 Queer Movie Recommendations (Part II)
There were not enough queer movies in the second half of June for my taste (are there ever, though?), but the ones I did see really blew me away. If you missed my…
Pride Month 2024 Queer Movie Recommendations (Part I)
All the queer movies I’ve enjoyed in June (or, you know, close to June) thus far. New(ish) movies: Femme My favorite movie of 2024 so far, hands down. Utterly tense, shockingly sexy, and…
Favorite (Mostly Queer) Films of 2023
While the horror pickings were, in my opinion, a bit slim this year, 2023 was a banner year for being queer in film. A year so good that Barbie and Bottoms didn’t even…
Revisiting CAM Five Years Later
I was just rewatching the brilliant film CAM (2018) yesterday – about a camgirl whose identity is stolen – and I was struck by how incredibly prescient the movie was when it first…
Ode to the Slutty Halloween Costume
“In girl world, Halloween is the one night a year when a girl can dress like a total slut and no other girls can say anything about it.” That quote is uttered by…
On Girls and Goths in the Early Aughts
I think horror was always a part of my identity, lurking somewhere deep in my bones, long before I realized it. All things being relative, coming of age during the early aughts as…