New Essay Series: My Favorite F***ing Movie
I’m very excited to announce a new essay series I’ll be releasing monthly all year long: My Favorite F***ing Movie is a personal exploration of sex through film, and Go (1999) is the…
Life Update: The Bitch is Back
…the bitch being my cyst. Or me, I guess, if you count whiny little bitches. If you’ve been following the saga of my Bartholin cyst, whelp—it came back a few months ago. I…
Bartholin Cyst Recovery Diary #3
Well, folks, it finally happened. Almost exactly five months after my traumatic, painful, entirely shitty experience getting an infected Bartholin gland cyst lanced and drained in the emergency room… I finally had sex…
Bartholin Cyst Recovery Diary #2
I wanted to give a quick update, even though not a ton has technically changed. It’s been about four months (dang!) since my cyst became infected and I had to have it drained,…
Men, Call Out Your Friends
It’s time for men to take some responsibility for men. Every time I post something online asking men to call out other men on shitty behavior, I invariably get multiple responses from…
Bartholin Cyst Recovery Diary #1
If you read my last post, you know that about ten weeks ago my Bartholin cyst got infected and I had to have it lanced and drained at an urgent care center. It…
The Origin of Pain
Or, The Worst Thing That’s Ever Happened To Me – Yet! Or, How the U.S. Health System Fucks You Up, Then Leaves You High and Dry Or, The Insidious Ways Doctors Weaponize Women’s…
On Girls and Goths in the Early Aughts
I think horror was always a part of my identity, lurking somewhere deep in my bones, long before I realized it. All things being relative, coming of age during the early aughts as…